Quebec Cannabis Forum 2020



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The Quebec Cannabis Forum Series is an initiative from Santé Cannabis that was launched in Montreal in 2018 to provide stakeholders from different sectors of the medical cannabis industry an opportunity to share and promote collaboration in the field.




Perspectives from Quebec


Welcome from Master of Ceremonies
Andrée Charbonneau, RN, Santé Cannabis

The State of Medical Cannabis Research
Dr. Cynthia El Hage, PhD

Keynote: Real-World Evidence
Philippe Lucas, PhD(c)
Presented by Platinum Partner Tilray

Panel: Opportunities & Obstacles: Researching in the context of the needs of patients and healthcare professionals
Daphnée Elisma, patient & advocate, Dr. Claude Cyr, MD
Moderator: Dr. Rihab Gamoun, PhD




Keynote: Therapeutic intervention and innovation with cannabidiol
Dr. Louis De Beaumont, PhD

Breakout Session: What are the needs for medical cannabis prescribers?
Introduction: Dr. Viviane Hoduc, MD
Presented by Gold Partner Spectrum Therapeutics

Discussion: Cannabis should not be a specialty: Integrating cannabis into current medical practice
Andrée Néron, PharmD  & Dr. Danial Schecter, MD

How far we’ve come in Quebec and what can we bring to the rest of the country: Building the future of cannabis research in Quebec
Dr. Alain Watier, MD

Day 1 wraps


Perspectives from North America


Welcome from Master of Ceremonies
Dr. Danial Schecter, MD, Santé Cannabis

The rapid evolution of cannabis in North America
Erin Prosk, MSc

Workshop: Shifting Research Paradigms: Real-World Data and Medical Cannabis
Maja Kalaba, MPH
Presented by Gold Partner Spectrum Therapeutics

Keynote: Cannabis: Where We Are, and Where We’re Going
Dr. Ethan Russo, MD




Panel: Improving access: Regulations, challenges and critical steps
Ashleigh Brown, patient & advocate, Dr. Irina Kudrina, MD
Moderator: Dr. Rafael K. Varaschin, PhD

Keynote: Topic to be announced
Dr. Yasmin Hurd, PhD

Panel: Approaching research: transitioning from the art to the science of authorizing
Peter Thurley, patient & advocate Dr. Angela Genge, MD
Moderator: Dr. Maria Fernanda Arboleda, MD

Cannabis in the real world: our patient-centred mission
Dr. Michael Dworkind, MD

Event wraps

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Bilingual translation is available on September 17th, English-only September 18th.
Tickets $20
RECEIVE YOUR TICKET FOR FREE by filling out and submitting a digital 15-minute survey before the event. Survey data will be anonymized and shared to prompt meaningful discussion during the event. Discount code is shared at the end of the survey.
 As topics cover therapeutic uses of medical cannabis, the information is intended for adults 18 years or older.