As Canada’s centre of excellence in cannabinoid-based medicines,
we’ve spent years designing and running studies,
and have supported thousands of patients with the best medical cannabis care.
We’ve put the years in so you don’t have to.
Find the accelerated, effortless path to meet your research goals
with the help of our expertise and resources.
Unlike many registries, our protocol includes targeted questionnaires that capture validated clinical data with a more personalized approach.
Questionnaires are targeted based on a patient’s primary symptom or reason for referral, creating a unique, high-quality database of Real-World Evidence to support clinical decisions.
Conditions and symptoms that we assess include:
- Chronic pain, both cancer and non-cancer related
- Fibromyalgia
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
- Anxiety-related disorders
- Depression
- Stress related to chronic illness
- Appetite and nutrition issues
- Sleep and insomnia
- Drug-resistant epilepsy
- Multiple sclerosis
- Parkinson’s disease
- Migraines
- Chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting
- Other conditions resistant to conventional medications

We offer unique programs to medical cannabis companies,
organizations and study sponsors to leverage our Real-World Data
and to study your products in our study protocol.
Programs are accessible, cost-effective and efficient.
Access to our anonymized patient database is also available
at no cost to academic researchers. We’d be happy to hear from you!
Well-designed clinical trials are critical to the advancement of knowledge on cannabinoid-based medicines and to improve patient care worldwide.
We’ve been supporting the design and execution of randomized controlled trials since 2017, as Canada’s first contract research organization dedicated to cannabinoid-based medicines and medical cannabis.
Our support can include:
- Product development advising
- Clinical research program development
- Study design
- Product and vendor sourcing

Our protocol has evolved over our years of practice since 2014, and includes a refined data management plan that operates within our comprehensive model of care. All data is collected by trained research nurses and verified by our clinic physicians.
Patients receive the same exceptional medical cannabis care and it’s easy to participate since no additional appointments are required.
Available data includes:
- Patient demographics and lifestyle habits
- Complete and detailed medical history, pathologies, symptoms, and treatment goals
- Presence and severity of risk factors for cannabinoid-based medicines
- Previous cannabis experience and detailed account of current use
- Concomitant medications
- Overall symptom burden measurement
- Medical cannabis treatments and cannabinoid-based medications
- Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) measurement

And clinical assessment of safety and effectiveness at each follow-up visit:
- Changes in health status and concomitant medications
- Medical cannabis products and cannabinoid-based medications, including specific cannabinoid formulations, method of administration, dosing initiation and adjustments
- Safety assessment of Adverse Drug Effects (ADRs) and Serious Adverse Drug Reactions (SADRs)
- Outcome measures using validated tools and questionnaires
- Treatment Satisfaction upon discontinuation
Already have a study idea in mind?
We can customize our operational protocol to meet your needs.
And we can do it fast, so you get started right away.
Let us know how we can help to bring your ideas to life.
Looking for quick access to high-quality data?
We provide extracted, clean datasets from our anonymous patient database,
we’ll even analyze and provide a data report if you need.
Whether you represent a company, organization, institution, research sponsor
or are a researcher yourself, we can help you to reach your goals.
Our years of experience assessing, treating and monitoring thousands of patients indicate the following areas are of potential interest:
Chronic Pain Disorders
Chronic Pain Disorders
Chronic pain is the primary reason for referral to Santé Cannabis and effective chronic pain management remains a critical need in the medical community. Understanding the potential therapeutic effects of medical cannabis and other cannabinoid-based medicines to alleviate refractory chronic pain of various origins and mechanisms still requires significant research advancements.
Therefore, chronic pain-related disorders represent an area of important development in both randomized controlled trials (clinical trials) and Real-World Data (observational studies) investigation, notably the following conditions:
- Fibromyalgia
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Chemotherapy-Induced Neuropathic Pain (CINP)
- Painful diabetic neuropathy
- Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)
If you are interested in other chronic pain disorders not listed here, please contact us to discuss.
Opioid substitution
Opioid substitution
More than 50% of patients assessed at Santé Cannabis are taking opioids at their initial visit. Most of these patients and their doctors are seeking to decrease their use of opioid medications.
The Santé Cannabis medical team recommends a prospective real-world data study to assess the effectiveness of medical cannabis, within a clinical treatment program that provides controlled tapering of opioids and other chronic pain medications.
Gastrointestinal disorders
Gastrointestinal disorders
Gastrointestinal disorders remain a primary reason for cannabinoid-based treatment; however, published literature lags far behind clinical experience. We recommend an investigation of safety and effectiveness of cannabinoid-based medicines as an adjunct therapy for symptom management in patients with gastrointestinal disorders, including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s disease and Ulcerative Colitis.
Anxiety disorders
Anxiety disorders
Prevalence of anxiety and related mental health disorders is increasing at an alarming rate, and is one of the primary reasons for self-medication among cannabis consumers. Yet treatment of anxiety with cannabinoid-based medicines is vastly understudied. Our Santé Cannabis medical team sees potential in assessing the effectiveness of cannabinoid-based medicines to treat anxiety, in a real-world setting and using validated diagnostic tools to confirm diagnosis of enrolled patients. Data collection relies on standardized treatment protocols and validated questionnaires, as well as regular safety and change in concomitant medication assessment.
Treatment of symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Treatment of symptoms of Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
Many experts in the field noted significant potential of cannabinoid-based medicines to alleviate symptoms of dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease. Our team believes this is an important area of investigation, whether with a randomized controlled trial or prospective observational study. The study could assess the safety and effectiveness of low-dose THC and CBD-rich treatments on the symptoms of patients living with dementia or Alzheimer’s disease using Real-World Data.
Medical Cannabis within a Comprehensive Wellness Program
Medical Cannabis within a Comprehensive Wellness Program
At Santé Cannabis, our supportive care team observes that medical cannabis is most effective within a holistic approach to health. Our team recommends an innovative observational study of the effectiveness of medical cannabis combined with health-promotion initiatives to improve wellbeing and manage stress in a real-world setting.
Initiatives include:
- Increasing activity level
- Nutritional coaching
- Mindfulness training
To discuss these or any other unique research question, program or product development idea, contact us.
To find out more about our Santé Cannabis database,
check out our Publication page and some of our blog posts.