Training Request

Healthcare professionals can join us virtually or in-person to increase their knowledge and practical skills. We also support clinic development for international partners.

To register for our training as an individual or as a group please provide the following information:

    Preferred Contact (Select all that apply)

    Preferred Day/Time for contact

    What is your profession? I am:

    Speciality/Therapeutic area

    Please indicate your language proficiency (check all that apply)

    Please indicate what kind of service are you interested in (check all that apply)*

    What kind of training are you interested in? (Check all that apply)

    What Medical Cannabis Resource are you interested in? (Check all that apply)

    Choose the duration of the elective:

    Is this training for a group?

    Have you or members of your group prescribed medical cannabis before?

    What curriculum development service are you interested in? (Check all that apply)

    Please provide more details on your training needs or development services


    Doctor training

    Update your practice in the medical cannabis field